Lili Meng
Hi, I'm Lili! Thanks for visiting my website!
I'm a research scientist at Xtract Technologies and a postdoc fellow at University of British Columbia Computer Science Department working with Prof. Leonid Sigal and Prof. Eldad Haber on deep learning and computer vision. I worked with Prof. Kilian Weinberger in Cornell University on Bayesian optimization and deep learning as a visiting scientist.
I recently graduated as a Ph.D. on Robotics from the Institute for Computing, Information and Cognitive Systems at the University of British Columbia. I have been working with Prof. Clarence W. de Silva, Prof. James J. Little and Prof. Ian M. Mitchell. Please see my publication lists for more details on my PhD work.
Research area: Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Robotics.
Contact: or or
June 29th, 2018: The last paper of my PhD work on camera relocalization got accepted in IROS2018! Big thanks to all my collaborators! Fred, Jim, Julien and Clarence! Thank you guys so much for all your support on my PhD!
June 16th, 2018: We got the Number 5 in MIT Moments in Time Challenge! We are Number 1 in North America!
Big thanks to all the teammates!
Multi-level Residual Networks from Dynamical Systems View
Bo Chang*, Lili Meng*, Eldad Haber, Frederick Tung and David Begert
(* indicates equal contribution)
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2018
Reversible Architectures for Arbitrarily Deep Residual Neural Networks
Bo Chang*, Lili Meng*, Lars Ruthotto, Eldad Haber, David Begert and Elliot Holtham (* indicates equal contribution)
AAAI 2018 (Oral Presentation) arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.03698
Exploiting Point and Line Features in Regression Forests for Camera Relocalization
Lili Meng, Frederick Tung, James J. Little, Julien Valentin, and Clarence W. de Silva.
In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2018.
Backtracking Regression Forests for Accurate Camera Relocalization
Lili Meng, Jianhui Chen, Frederick Tung, James J. Little, Julien Valentin, and Clarence W. de Silva.
In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2017.
Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation in Uneven and Unstructured Indoor Environments
Chaoqun Wang*, Lili Meng*, Sizhen She, Ian M. Mitchell, Teng Li, Frederick Tung, Weiwei Wan, Max. Q. Meng and Clarence W. de Silva. (* indicates equal contribution)
In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2017.
The Raincouver scene parsing benchmark for self-driving in adverse weather and at night
Frederick Tung, Jianhui Chen, Lili Meng and James J. Little
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 2188-2193, 2017
Learning Motion Predictors for Smart Wheelchair using Auto-regressive Sparse Gaussian Process
Zicong Fan, Lili Meng, Tian Qi Chen, Jingchun Li, Ian M. Mitchell
IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018
Besides research, I also love many aspects of the life, such as reading, running, swimming, playing the violin and piano, get-together with friends and family, playing Pingpang, karate, yoga, dancing, biking, hiking and etc.